Happy New Year!

Post date: Jan 01, 2016 5:5:7 AM

I often compare Sirsasana (headstand) to the process of going through the challenges of daily life. Personally, I find headstands very exhilarating and interesting. It took me a while to learn how to do it and I am still learning to do it better, but I can enjoy being upside down a bit at last. It involves constant balancing and adjusting in every moment.  There is a moment that I have it: being in perfect balance and being quiet in mind, and then the next moment, I lose it.  And it comes back and goes again. All of me has to be alert and be in the moment, otherwise, I fall!


Like a headstand, I find myself constantly having to adjust and find a way to go through the challenges of life, whether they are big or small. Some days it is easy to find balance, but some days it is not. I can’t sit back and daydream how well I got through yesterday, since today is different. I need to be aware of my surroundings and myself each moment in order not to fall into tricks of the mind or emotional turmoil.


It has been a great year full of joy, happiness and growth. I am grateful for it and excited to start the New Year by living a moment at a time, just like being in a headstand.


Happy New Year!